
How to buy seeds 

It is not possible to buy seeds from us directly because all our seeds are sent to Bingenheimer Saatgut where they are cleaned, packed and subsequently sold. There is a chance that seed which you buy from Bingenheimer Saatgut was grown by us.

Bingenheimer Saatgut has a webshop:

Why buy seeds from Bingenheim?

Bingenheim is selling only certified seeds either biological/organic or Demeter.

Bingenheim is only selling open pollinated seedvarieties (please read below about the meaning of this term).

Bingenheim made a conscious choice in a progressive direction in the agricultural area as well as in the social and economical areas:

  • Prices are fixed in mutual agreement, based on cost calculation of the growers.
  • Also business strategies and developments are determined in consultation with the members of the seed initiative group of breeders.
  • Bingenheim only issues nominal registered shares that are not on any market. Dividend payments are minimal. The business can never be bought by third parties e.g. a seed-multinational.
  • Bingenheim is a non-profit business.
  • The independant plant breeding branch of Bingenheim, ‘Kultursaat’ has the task of developing varieties that are specifically suitable in biological agriculture and are free in use i.e. without licence fee.